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There were 7 results tagged with launch

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  1. Fermion

    I uploaded a bit late, this coaster is controlled by mindstorms, my next coaster will be controlled by an arduino.

    • May 17 2022 10:44 AM
    • by Terracoon9
  2. Magnum

    Magnum, my 4th coaster on SSC, is an Intamin accelerator which uses a rubber band launch and has a 4-foot tophat, helix, buckel, and stengel dive.

    • Aug 27 2015 02:01 PM
    • by ~stεεlspectrum~
  3. 29 Foot Tall Roller Coaster

    This was the tallest outdoor, freestanding K'nex roller coaster in the world! It's modelled after Kingda Ka and Top Thrill Dragster. It stands at 28 feet, 8 inches tall. It uses a 15, seven inch long rubber bands to launch the car up to the top. This project took about a month of planning and building and used about 20,000-30,000 pieces. The total length of the track is around 100-110 feet long.It was built inside my house in small sections, and then once completed, moved outside and completely assembled in approximately 6 hours. I only used a 6 foot step ladder to assemble it. A 20 foot triangular shaped tower was assembled horizontally on the ground and then carefully tipped up vertically with the help of some small cables. Then the tower was gently lifted 3 feet at a time (with help of course) and new 3 foot sections were connected to the bottom until it reached 28 feet, 8 inches high. The tower was getting real heavy by the time the last section was added. Some K'nex pieces began to snap under the weight, so it was necessary to substitute a large number of black carbon K'nex rods (expensive) at the bottom of the tower.After the video was shot, the whole thing was taken down just as the sun was setting. It was a sunny day with no rain. There were a few small gusts of wind in the afternoon which caused the tower to sway a bit, but not too badly. While taking it down, some K'nex pieces broke and the whole thing toppled sideways over our cedar hedge into the neighbours back yard! We found most of the pieces by flashlight as it was getting dark. Now and then I still occasionally find a piece stuck in the cedar hedge.Interesting Fact:While shooting the video, the camera got a bit too close the track and the car collided with the digital camera. The car split into two pieces and flew off the track, but the camera survived!

    • Nov 03 2015 07:27 PM
    • by Zorn
  4. Atomic

    This is an automatic launched coaster. It took me 1 week to build. If you have any questions about the automatic launch system, ask me. Thanks to SSCoasters!

    • Aug 27 2015 05:46 PM
    • by JPCoaster
  5. The Illusionist

    The Illusionist was my 4th completed coaster on SSC. It featured a top hat, an overbank and several twists and turns. This was originally planned to have a drill launch but due to an overwhelming amount of problems the launch was changed to a much simpler rubberband one. Though it may not have been my best coaster (the ending brake run mechanisms and launch were just thrown together, seeing as I needed it to get finished quickly) The Illusionist was certainly one of my best shaped/smoothed coasters. Several people (including me) may think that the ending mechanisms would look better as tire drives, but I was unfortunately unable to use them. See the thread for a full explanation. Vid link is below....enjoy!![URL="http://profile.imageshack.us/user/blastcoaster69/videos/detail/#531/mov03160.flv"]http://profile.imageshack.us/user/blastcoaster69/videos/detail/#531/mov03160.flv[/URL]

    • Aug 27 2015 05:42 PM
    • by Outerlimits659
  6. Storm Fall

    Storm Fall is controlled by a raspberry pi(a mini-computer), which controls all four motors. The first motor takes the car though the station, the second stretches the rubber band and takes the catch car to the train. The third motor releases the gears causing the catch car to pull the train forward. The fourth motor controls the drop track. There is an audio file that I made for the ride that correlates with the ride, like an on-board ride soundtrack. Their is a background song, and noises like thunder occur when the ride launches or when the drop track drops. This audio track is played automatically with the script that tells the motors what to do. I hope you all like Storm Fall!

    • Sep 05 2017 12:32 PM
    • by Jebuk201
  7. Griffin

    A coaster with an electric cable launch. RC car electronics were used for the launch mechanisms.

    • Nov 14 2019 08:27 AM
    • by Alabastine