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There were 4 results tagged with ferris wheel

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  1. Coaster Wheel

    A new coaster concept

    • Oct 24 2015 04:09 PM
    • by K1ngdaKa88
  2. Solar Wheel

    Introducing, LaMbChOpZ's newest model! A K'Nex version of a wonder/roller coaster wheel. Similar to the one found in Paradise Pier at Disney California Adventure, this K'Nex model was built over the span of two months for the Summer Heat, A Design For The Skyline competition. The ride was built specifically to draw fans of all ages and excitement levels - follow the white path for a normal Ferris Wheel ride, or take the exhilarating challenge of the blue path for the moving carriages.

    The ride's bright color palette gives the illusion of a sun, setting or rising depending on the time of day, from within and for miles around the park. No matter if it's a cloudy or overcast day, the sun always shines in this park.

    In the real rides, the moving carriages' paths are not parallel with the supports, but this was done to make the design easier, doable, and compact. The ride also features, beyond this innovative design, an extremely compact and modular power system. Four wheels (two on opposite sides of the ride), were built in an extremely compact space to power the ride's rotation. These power wheels are built and connected to the main supports like a real ride, rather than being built and supported on separate supports.

    • Oct 19 2015 02:37 PM
    • by LaMbChOpZ
  3. Skywheel

    This is a ride I started back in 2015. Projects like this sit for years collecting dust in boxes, sort of packed in segments. I pulled it out and fixed some of the problems it had, supports and wheels. It's a double ferris wheel inspired by a ride of the same name by Chance Rides, the older brother of the zipper.

    This particular model was inspired by a K'Nex model by Greg Nuse. It uses micro chains to drive the two wheels. A basic fixed axle setup turns the wheels when the boom is turned. It's a really basic model, but it looks great.

    • May 12 2017 01:54 PM
    • by KnexPaerdz
  4. Zipper

    Months in the making, comes Zipper, inspired by Greg Nuse's model.

    Made by Chance in 1968, the wildest ride in the midway makes its debut out of K'Nex 49 years later. With an action true to the original, this model boasts over 1000 pieces, including 9 giant yellow gears and over 10 feet of chain. Easily the hardest ride to replicate, it just shows what time and effort can accomplish.

    • Apr 12 2017 05:43 PM
    • by KnexPaerdz