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There were 4 results tagged with b&m

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  1. Mustang

    This is a K'nex B&M Hyper coaster that I built in 1 week. Thanks to all SSCoasters Members! Enjoy it :D

    • Aug 27 2015 05:39 PM
    • by JPCoaster
  2. Mirage

    Styled after the famous Bolliger & Mabillard Inverted coasters present at theme parks around the globe, Mirage is one of the tallest and longest micro (VV) K'nex model coasters of its kind ever built. The ride's layout was particularly inspired by the ever-present Batman clones that are a common feature of Six Flags properties around the globe, sharing the iconic curved drop and raised vertical loop. Following the traditional start, the layout then flows into 3 fully customised inversions such as a wingover, immelman and an inline twist, along with other exciting features like a tunnel and high -speed turnaround.

    I hope another whole year's worth of construction was worth the wait and thanks for your help, as always :)

    • Feb 02 2017 01:27 PM
    • by Batwing
  3. The Road Runner

    The Road Runner is a compact B&M looper themed after the Road Runner cartoon. It uses a realistic lift hill (Stig's design) and is fully tube supported. This is also my first roller coaster to feature a brakerun (it doesn't actually have brakes, it's just for decoration), transfer track (not functional either), and a station with a roof.

    • Jul 20 2016 02:35 PM
    • by KirbyCoast
  4. Krake

    A k'nex roller coaster recreation of the B&M dive machine Krake at Heide Park, Germany.
    The ride stands just over 3 feet tall and features a vertical drop, holding brake, immelman and detailed theming. The coaster is also fully automated using lego NXT and is able to run two trains simultaneously.

    And my entry to this year's Summer Heat :D

    • Aug 16 2016 06:30 AM
    • by rgarner42