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There were 4 results tagged with inversions

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  1. Vertigo

    Inspired by the polercoaster concept pioneered by US Thrill Rides and Intamin, my latest creation features over 26 metres of track twisting around a central tower, making it the longest micro K'nex (VV) coaster ever built. The ride layout includes 7 inversions, 8 airtime moments, a beyond vertical drop and a first of its kind spiral lift. This model is a product of 3 years of building assisted by the kind members of SSCoasters.net.

    Vertigo stands at 2.01 metres (6.59 feet) tall and the two halves of the layout are designed to duel if the timing is right! The top part of the layout contains tight turns and Eurofighter-style inversions, whilst the other half features fast airtime hills and sweeping overbanked turns.

    • Sep 23 2020 06:57 AM
    • by Batwing
  2. Mirage

    Styled after the famous Bolliger & Mabillard Inverted coasters present at theme parks around the globe, Mirage is one of the tallest and longest micro (VV) K'nex model coasters of its kind ever built. The ride's layout was particularly inspired by the ever-present Batman clones that are a common feature of Six Flags properties around the globe, sharing the iconic curved drop and raised vertical loop. Following the traditional start, the layout then flows into 3 fully customised inversions such as a wingover, immelman and an inline twist, along with other exciting features like a tunnel and high -speed turnaround.

    I hope another whole year's worth of construction was worth the wait and thanks for your help, as always :)

    • Feb 02 2017 01:27 PM
    • by Batwing
  3. Hot Rod

    Here is my latest k'nex launch coaster called hot rod, is 7.5 feet tall and has 5 inversions in the layout. It took about 3 months to build and uses over 14 SS! It is modeled after top thrill dragster and stealth, but I wanted to incorporate a longer layout.

    • Nov 21 2022 11:13 AM
    • by IOAgeek
  4. Sylph

    Sylph is wing coaster that is 6 feet tall and features 6 inversions that were inspired from various wing coasters. This model took three months to completed and uses over 25,000 pieces. I added custom wing coaster seats on the trains for realism.

    • Nov 21 2022 09:04 PM
    • by IOAgeek