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There were 5 results tagged with eurofighter

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  1. VOID

    After 2 months of building I finally completed my Halloween coaster! It has five elements and 105 degree drop. The original design was a mirrored version of Abyss, but I decided to make it go custom instead, and I'm glad I did because it became way more compact.

    • Oct 31 2016 07:18 AM
    • by KirbyCoast
  2. Italian Eurofighter

    My first fully tube support rollercoaster! Construction lasted about a month and I had a lot of fun building it. It's a mixture between Italian Eurofighter and Untamed, but I thought that Italian Eurofighter was a more descriptive name. Sorry that the photos aren't that good, I had some good ones but I can't find them anymore, and I've already taken down the coaster so I can't take any new ones. If you want to see more pictures then you can look in the construction thread, post number 39 has good pictures: http://www.sscoasters.net/forum/topic/15384-gerstlauer-eurofighter-vv/page-2.

    Sets used: Atomic Coaster, Cobras Curse, 2 Supernova blasts, and some extra parts/unknown sets.

    • Jan 12 2016 08:35 PM
    • by KirbyCoast
  3. Krampus

    Instead of the jolly Santa coming this year, the evil Krampus has paid us a visit. Travel alongside the evil caused by him, as you walk through the shivering winds of deadly snow. When he finally leaves, the experience will haunt your memories for eternity.

    • Jan 25 2016 09:14 PM
    • by SCM
  4. Swiss Overthrow

    With an angle of 150 degrees, the steepest coaster on earth!

    • Oct 24 2015 04:23 PM
    • by K1ngdaKa88
  5. Vertigo

    Inspired by the polercoaster concept pioneered by US Thrill Rides and Intamin, my latest creation features over 26 metres of track twisting around a central tower, making it the longest micro K'nex (VV) coaster ever built. The ride layout includes 7 inversions, 8 airtime moments, a beyond vertical drop and a first of its kind spiral lift. This model is a product of 3 years of building assisted by the kind members of SSCoasters.net.

    Vertigo stands at 2.01 metres (6.59 feet) tall and the two halves of the layout are designed to duel if the timing is right! The top part of the layout contains tight turns and Eurofighter-style inversions, whilst the other half features fast airtime hills and sweeping overbanked turns.

    • Sep 23 2020 06:57 AM
    • by Batwing