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There were 4 results tagged with micro

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  1. Failed rmc

    Here is a micro RMC that I made, but had no layout plans. Flustered as I was, I just decided to take it down. Here is a pic.

    • Oct 25 2015 08:31 PM
    • by Spaghetti
  2. Micro Woodie, Part 2

    My my my, you've grown!

    • Feb 13 2016 01:28 PM
    • by Spaghetti
  3. VV B&M Wingrider custom cars

    This is my latest (and so far best) attempt at custom VV B&M Wingrider cars. Each wheelbase holds 2 rows of seats. The set of red/purple and green connectors at the center of each row is a system of making custom cars that I came up with; they're evenly spaced if you use 2 micro blue spaces between each car, and they're capable of holding a chain dog in place, eliminating the need for an unaltered wheelbase front half that a lot of other custom cars have. At some point soon I'm going to try to make a tutorial for these, including several other car types using the same system.

    • Jul 12 2017 01:53 PM
    • by YolosweggLord
  4. Small Mirage Update

    Just a quick update on Mirage, since I finally got round to doing Workshop Wednesday!
    I've reshaped the loop a little for now. The next element will be a corkscrew...

    • Mar 02 2016 04:14 PM
    • by Batwing