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There were 5 results tagged with blue

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  1. Saturn V

    Built on and off over a period of 11 months, Saturn V is an RMC style blue rod hybrid coaster which has a fast, compact layout and a Lego Saturn V rocket for decoration. Hope you enjoy the video.

    • Nov 26 2021 05:54 PM
    • by CW5X
  2. Saturn V

    Built on and off over a period of 11 months, Saturn V is an RMC style blue rod hybrid featuring a fast, compact layout and my wife’s Lego Saturn V rocket for decoration. Hope you enjoy the video.

    • Nov 26 2021 05:44 PM
    • by CW5X
  3. Saturn V

    Built on and off over a period of 11 months, Saturn V is an RMC style blue rod hybrid coaster featuring a compact twisty layout and my wife’s Lego Saturn V rocket for decoration. It was a complete pain to film something in such a small space but the lift was probably the most consistent and best I’ve ever built so it could run all day without issue. Hope you enjoy the video.

    • Nov 26 2021 05:02 PM
    • by CW5X
  4. Polaris

    Built in under 3 weeks over the Christmas break, Polaris is a quickly built blue rod hybrid style coaster with lots of exciting twists and air hills. Considering the construction time frame, I'm pretty happy with the result.

    • Jan 07 2018 06:23 PM
    • by CW5X
  5. Awakening

    Awakening is a blue rod woodie project that I built over a period of 4 months. Most of that time was inactivity but it was still interesting to see how it could be built to fit into a small space. It utilizes the hand-chair that I've had in my room for years but never really thought of as scenery.

    • Jan 10 2016 03:31 PM
    • by CW5X