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Blue Moon: First Project, Phone hacking!

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#1 imakecoasters


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 01:39 PM

Okay, well I've started my own little company (of course, dreaming, it's just for fun), called Blue Moon (electronics) or Blue Wolf, still deciding. Anyways, my first dream idea is underway! And it's taking off to a whole new start, and is pretty cool. The only bad part is, if I use is incorrectly, it'd be very illegal. So if I do actually make it, I'd make sure not to use it for ANY illegal purposes.

Q: Well, what is this you are making?

It's sorta like the Blue Box. Press a button, makes a tone, put speaker up to a phone, push buttons, dials what you push. In other words, I don't have to touch the buttons on the phone at all. How do you know this will work?! Well, I found a DTMF (Dual-Tone multi frequency) generator which will give off the frequency of numbers you desire. I put in my numbers, generated it, put the phone up to an ear piece from an iPod headphone, and played the sound. It called my house! Then I called my dad with out pressing a single button on the phone!

Q: So, how will you make this?

Simple idea, complicating work. I won't go too into it, but I'll explain the basics. Well, actually. Let me work it out on paper first. This will be a fun, educational project for myself.

Q: How is this illegal?

Well, if I used this on pay phones, I'd be stealing and getting free phone calls. Actually, it might not work on pay phones. I know of older phone phreakers who used this same idea to get free calls from them. But mabey they changed that so it was impossible, I dunno. I'd never, ever use it to get free calls.

Any more questions?



#2 Garth


    Originally known as GarKD

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Posted 22 January 2008 - 07:47 PM

What are you talkin about would be a nice start. I don't understand the whole make a noise and the phione understands it thing...


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#3 imakecoasters


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 07:56 PM

Go here. http://dialabc.com/sound/generate/

Type in a phone number you'd like to call (like a friends phone, or cell phone, if you call your house it'll play a busy tone). Then press enter. On the top click "Download Audio for ____ ____" in blue underlined letters.

For better quality, get some good headphones (make sure it doesn't ring because if the bass sound makes it buzz it won't work). Then, get your phone, press "Talk" and then put the earphone up to the mouthpiece and play the sound.

It'll call it. I made it sound confusing but it's insanely simple, and only takes 30 seconds to do. If I could build a machine to play these sounds instead of using a computer that'd be awesome. That's what the Blue Box did (created by Steve Wozniak the creator of the first Apple Computer).



#4 Garth


    Originally known as GarKD

  • 2001 posts

Posted 22 January 2008 - 08:08 PM

Oh I see. So if you set your phone to the srtting so you SAY the numbers then play the tone it'll still call the number?


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#5 imakecoasters


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Posted 22 January 2008 - 10:17 PM

^??? Er, no. Phones are tone activated. If you play a certain frequency it triggers a certain number. Not voices. The sounds would be INSANELY hard to make with your mouth.



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