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There were 6 results tagged with b&m

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  1. B&M Floorless

    Alas, my newest creation is finally being revealed to the public! This is a new B&M Floorless i've been working on and as of 10/23/19, I may need some help. I've had a couple speed problems. Each car is weighted with one penny (Is this too little? too much?) and is not lubricated. I'm wondering if charcoal is suitable for K'NEX? I have it on hand but I am hesitant as no forum's mention it. Somebody please let me know ASAP. Anyways, I have big plans for this coaster, but I'm not sure what element I want to add, after the loop. Any ideas?
    That's it for now, peace out.
    -NJ Thrills

    • Oct 23 2019 04:58 PM
    • by nj_thrills
  2. So I started work on something...

    Here is part of the base for my new coaster. I'm going to make another layer for it. People in the chat will know what I'm talking about. Don't spoil it please!

    • Nov 05 2015 02:19 PM
    • by Spaghetti
  3. B&M Micro Invert

    A new micro K'NEX invert.

    • Aug 10 2017 10:47 AM
    • by Stevenator
    • Feb 04 2018 08:00 PM
    • by msoccerkidm
  4. VV B&M Wingrider custom cars

    This is my latest (and so far best) attempt at custom VV B&M Wingrider cars. Each wheelbase holds 2 rows of seats. The set of red/purple and green connectors at the center of each row is a system of making custom cars that I came up with; they're evenly spaced if you use 2 micro blue spaces between each car, and they're capable of holding a chain dog in place, eliminating the need for an unaltered wheelbase front half that a lot of other custom cars have. At some point soon I'm going to try to make a tutorial for these, including several other car types using the same system.

    • Jul 12 2017 01:53 PM
    • by YolosweggLord
  5. Scarab B&M invert lifthill

    you can see what the problem is , the lift hill looks quite steep but I think Banshee's lift hill is steep as well. Please leave suggestions what to do

    and yes the space in the back is the space I'll have to deal with while
    building ._.

    • Nov 24 2015 04:16 PM
    • by GER Seano