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There were 2 results tagged with micro knex

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  1. Small unnamed hyper with some RMC-inspired bits (looking for name suggestions PLS)

    So I didn't want to post a construction thread since this is just about done except for the station, but it's not ready to post in the database. This is a small hyper I made as a side project. It wasn't really made with the style of any particular manufacturer in mind, but it has some RMC-styled elements like the classic wave turn (although I didn't use a reference pics when building it so it may be off from what they really look like) and the first element which is a hill that goes into this diving turnaround drop that gets close to inverting but doesn't quite. It also doesn't have a name right now, so please help me because I'm very bad with names.

    • Aug 07 2019 11:36 PM
    • by FrIeDeGgS
  2. Small unnamed hyper with some RMC-inspired bits (looking for name suggestions PLS)

    So I didn't want to post a construction thread since this is just about done except for the station, but it's not ready to post in the database. This is a small hyper I made as a side project. It wasn't really made with the style of any particular manufacturer in mind, but it has some RMC-styled elements like the classic wave turn (although I didn't use a reference pics when building it so it may be off from what they really look like) and the first element which is a hill that goes into this diving turnaround drop that gets close to inverting but doesn't quite. It also doesn't have a name right now, so please help me because I'm very bad with names.

    • Aug 07 2019 11:42 PM
    • by FrIeDeGgS