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There were 2 results tagged with wow

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  1. I built a "junior" transport coaster on rct classic...

    So I recently got RCT classic on my phone after I found out it existed, and it's actually really good for costing only 7 dollars. It has all the scenarios from rct 1 and 2, minus the expansion packs and the "real world" parks (possibly since they would have to update them?) It's really nice to be able to play the rct1 parks since I only had rct2. Anyways, I made a "junior" transport coaster on Leafy Lake since I don't really care for the actual transport rides. I've made these sort of extreme junior coasters like four times, its really fun lol.

    • May 30 2017 02:59 PM
    • by FrIeDeGgS
  2. Automatic Launch Progress

    Found a little bit of time to work on this launch. Completely changing the design to solve some major flaws the old design had. Attempting to keep the gears meshed when retracting the launch cable is proving to be very difficult.

    • May 04 2017 05:37 PM
    • by Rollerfreak987