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Kings Dominion 6-30-11

2011 carowinds intimidator rct2 recreation

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#1 lazor 22

lazor 22

    Enter The Rage

  • 5967 posts

Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:38 PM

I went to KD yesterday (exact say as last year too, June 30th).

When we got their they said Intimidator would be closed today so I was pretty mad.. We went to Dominator first and it was a 5 minute wait for back row. That was fun, we rode twice. I forgot how much fun this ride was. I love how it throws you around at the start of the drop and all the hangtime in the loop. The rest of the ride was also fun.

Then we went to the back of the park and rode Grizzly. I really hate these type of trains, the seats are to narrow to start off, and then the restraint curves in and goes into your legs... Would be much better without that. But the ride is pretty fun back in the woods. We also rode Hurler which seemed to running VERY smooth, it was pretty nice, but the ride isn't all that great. Same with Rebel Yell, it was smooth. My brother almost lost his hat too... he forgot to take it off and it flew into the people behind us and they gave it back to him but that was pretty funny.. I thought it had flown off and smacked someone in the face. Grizzly and Hurler were walk ons, Rebel Yell was like 10 minute wait. Oh yea we also rode Ricochet just for the hell of it.

Next was the Italian Job or Backlot or whatever they call it now. That was really fun. 10 minute wait. And we saw a train running on intimidator!! My brother wanted something to eat so he got some fries. And then I went to ride shockwave without him.. We both hate it but it has a new paint scheme so I figured I would give it a shot and yea, still hate it. It was a walk on (wonder why..)

We then went to Anaconda which was also a walk on. We sat backrow and it was pretty fun, only one really rough part. Then went over to Intimidator which was now letting people ride.

First we sat in the middle since there was no one there. There was no trim on the first drop which was cool but the rest of the ride felt exactly the same so I'm not sure what the difference was supposed to be with the raised first turn. We got back on and waited for front row which was about 20 minutes and totally worth it. Got back on one more time since the only line was for front row and we sat in the very back this time. It was intense. The best 2 seats are front and back no doubt.

Next was Flight Of Fear right next door. I wore my sunglasses on it to make it darker since they have a bunch of lights on in the building :/... but I had forgot how cool that ride was. You really can't tell which was is up or down until your hit the MCBR, and then again when you hit the final breaks. That was pretty awesome and very dark with the sunglasses, I recommend wearing them on it. The wait was pretty short too, about 10 minutes.

Then we went to Volcano which had the longest wait at about 30 minutes. There was a guy who was crazy high in front of us and when we got to the loading station he got escorted out by security... I thought it was pretty funny. And apparently after they left he took off running. But anyways, the ride is fun but the wait kinda kills it. 30 minutes isn't that long but when every other ride is 10 minutes or less and the park isn't that full it's kinda annoying.

After that we left the park and went to the Pizza Hut in Ashland about 15 minutes away to eat. When we got back it was around 8. We rode Dominator twice again, then rode the car ride. We made our way back around to Intimidator and it was getting dark by this time. They were only running one train and it was a 20 minute wait just to ride middle.. But the good thing was it was pitch black by the time we got on. Intimidator and night is even cooler then in the day. Then we walked through the Snoopy Light thing and got 2 more night rides in the back of Dominator while the fireworks were going off. After that we left.

Here are some pics I took, most outside the park because I really didn't mess with my camera I was to busy riding.
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I305, El Toro, Goliath (SFoG), Time Machine, Talon, Apollo, Griffon, Georgia Scorcher, Nitro, Manta
Coaster Count: 77

#2 2015ASM


    Front Seat or Nothing

  • 650 posts

Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:51 PM

Wow looks like you got quite a lot of rides in there ;). Is it usually not crowded? Iv'e never been there but it's definitely on my to do list. I'm trying to convince my parents to drive four hours down there next summer. That's pretty much a quick ride too because we drove to CP which is like 9 hours from my house. I really hope I can go soon...



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#3 lazor 22

lazor 22

    Enter The Rage

  • 5967 posts

Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:58 PM

The last 3 times I went (2011, 2010, 2008) it has not been very crowded. I would probably say as long as you don't go during a holiday or a weekend you should be good.

I305, El Toro, Goliath (SFoG), Time Machine, Talon, Apollo, Griffon, Georgia Scorcher, Nitro, Manta
Coaster Count: 77

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 2011, carowinds, intimidator, rct2, recreation