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The trip into cheeseland!

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#1 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

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Posted 21 June 2007 - 09:11 PM

Im going to do this in three posts, one for each park I visited.

Me and my friend woke up re-energized after a long car and ferry ride the day before to the Wisconsin Dells. We arrived at our first park, Mt. Olympus, at about 9:50. After buying our tickets, we walked into the park. On either side of the enterance path is wooden roller coasters within touching distance of the path. After about 300 feet, you finally arrive at the enterance to Hades. Through the structure and up the stairs you go. After about 5 minutes, me and my friend got our first ride on our first GG woodie and first coaster of our trip. Hades is a sweet coaster full of random airtime and extreme lateral g's. The tunnel is obviously the best part of the ride, and is about 15 degrees cooler than above ground. In my opinion, Hades isn't better than Hersheyparks GCI collection, but it sure is a sweet ride.

Next door to Hades is Zeus. Zeus interlocks with Hades and Cyclops, which is right next door. Being the second tallest ride in the park, you still have a good view, but not as good as Hades'. The ride is full of airtime, but the turn around is the sole reason I don't care for this ride. Zeus isn't a very long ride either. I found it funny though that there were trees growing through the ride's structure and track though.

Up next was Cyclops. We were shocked that this ride would be so good. Like Hades, it has lots of random airtime and laterals. The largest drop is the second to last one, which is pretty sweet. The only drawback is that it is a short ride.

Following Cyclops, we went to Pegasus. We didn't care for this either, seeing at it was a smaller ride, with too many painful laterals. On the way to the indoor park, we came upon the Robocoaster. We couldn't resist for two bucks a shot. We immediately selected level 5, the most intense level. Before we knew it, we were being thrown and spun around. We really had fun, but some of the throws were painful, if you know what I mean :)

Once we got inside, we walked on Opa, the new spinning coaster. At first, we were dissappointed by the lack of spinning on the top, but once we reached the bottom, we had a blast, spinning the whole time. Right next door, we couldn't pass up a ride on the Disc'O, which wasn't too bad. It got boring after a while. I will stick to the giant frisbee.

On our way back to the outdoor park, we stopped for lunch. We both had pizza and vault. The price wasn't too bad either. We decided to ride Little Titans to get every coaster in the park. My friend got kind of mad at me after because we did it. We also had to ride Dive to Atlantis, which I wouldn't consider a coaster. None the less, we went on it and we got wet, but not soaked, which was a relief.

Inbetween coasters, we did the go karts, which were really cool. My favorite track was Helios. All of the tracks, me and my friend did well with the driving, but I almost got in an accident with my friend on Trojan horse(it was his fault!!!). We rode 4 tracks total.

After a couple more rides on Hades and Cyclops, we decided to call it a day. We enjoyed the rest of our night eating at a place called the River Walk Pub(go there if you are in the dells, great view and great food!), walking around town, and playing Euchure! I love that game...

Total rides and ratings:
Hades:4 8/10
Zeus:1 6/10
Cyclops:2 7/10
Pegasus:1 5/10
Opa:2 7/10
Little Titans:1 2/10
Dive to Atlantis:1 4/10

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Coaster Count: 312

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#2 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

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Posted 21 June 2007 - 09:25 PM

The next day, we awoke impatient as we wanted to get our 3 hour boat tour over with. It ended up being close to 5 hours, but thats typical. Finally it was time to go to Timber Falls. Avalanche is a small hybrid built by S&S that circles the entire park twice. The whole ride lasts about 50 seconds. The lifthill is a fast climb, but you do get a nice view of the river, and Mt. Olympus in the distance. The first drop is filled with airtime. At the bottom you pull up and are sent into an insane left hand turn. You are thrown to the right, even though the banking is close to 80 degrees. The hill that follows can't be no higher than 25 feet. You better believe that there is some insane airtime in that hill. Through another turn you careen and you shockingly get some airtime in the middle of it. Over another hill, this one a bit higher, but a bit more pointy than the first one was, so the airtime is even greater. The turn next to the station is filled with more lateral g's and in my opinion, is the worst part of the ride. Over two more small hills you go, experiencing some crazy airtime. the next turnaround is one of the most intense. It is the tightest turn on the ride and isn't heartlined much. You exit into another small bunny hop. After that is the best part of the ride in my opinion. You pull up, start to turn, but then you unbank. Over the top you go and then you bank again. After you complete the last turn of the ride, you are thrown into one last bunny hop and into the brakes. If this ride wasn't so short, it would be my favorite woodie. Right now, it sits at number 7 on my list.

Besides Avalanche, Timber falls has a whopping 2 other rides, a log flume and a sky scraper. We didn't bother with the sky scraper because it was an upcharge ride. The log flume was pretty cool, but you only got misted in the splashdowns. There was also mini golf. We played a round, but half way through, my friend crumpled up the score card, threw it out, and said that we should just finish. In total, we spent an hour and a half at Timber Falls. During that time, we rode Avalanche 25 times. I give it a rating of 9/10.

*Stay tuned for SFGAm, as well as pics from all three parks tomorrow*

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Coaster Count: 312

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#3 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:36 PM

After a three hour drive to Gurnee, we got to SFGAm. By the time we got dropped off, bought tickets, and entered, it was 11:00. Our first stop was S:UF. The wait was 35-40 minutes. We hopped on the last row. My first B&M flyer was an awesome experience. I don't know why people don't like these. I thought it was very forceful with heavy g's in the pretzel loop. The only minus was the length. After we got off, we decided to head to Raging Bull.

This is where our day got scary. We see a guy running down the exit, hopping through the grass and queue, and going to the fence by the valley after the MCBR. He hopped the fence just as the train was leaving the MCBR. When he ducked to pick up his hat the had dropped, the train went right over his head. If he would have ducked a second later, he would have lost his head.

After 35-40 minutes, we got the second row of RB. I loved how coumfy the trains were. I also noticed that they were very open, more so than an Intamin mega coaster. We climbed the first hill and went down the drop, the most intense part of the ride in my opinion. We turned around, ascended, then disaster. The trims were on, every single one of them. Besides the first turnaround, the train crawled over every hill. To me, it was forceless and there were a couple bumps. Me and my friend walked away, dissappointed.

After lunch, we approached Viper. We waited 15 minutes and hopped in. At the top of the lifthill, it has the traditional SF 'slow down for no reason' and that gave us the chance to scare the slutty girls in front of us. When they said "What's wrong with the ride", we responded "IT BROKE DOWN!" We enjoyed the first drop listening to them freak out. The ride was smooth for the most part and had some good moments of airtime and lateral g's. Following Viper, we rode Demon. I didn't think it was too bad. The worst part was the bayerncurve. I actually thought it was smooth! Me and my friend both agree that the tunnel reminded us of Maverick(watch the pov on the website). One of the best arrow loopers I have been on.

After Demon, we went in search of American Eagle. Once we found it, we spent about 5 minutes walking through the empty queue. We waited another 5 for the red train. I thought the ride was neat, although it was a bit rough and showed it's age. The airtime was good though. We lost the race. We didn't feel like riding the other side, so we headed for Iron Wolf. after 15-20 minutes, we got on my third stand-up. I though it was a little rough, but not Arrow rough. I cut them some slack though, it was their first coaster. Iron wolf had some nice turns and a strong loop. This is better than Riddler's Revenge in my opinion.

We sucked it up and waited the 15 minutes for V2. We didn't think it would be so good because we had rode WT and thought it would be the same. We were wrong. I actually like V2 better. The launch and first trip up the front spike are a bit weak, but it gets better the second time around. The back spike sold it for me. The airtime was amazing and definately a better experience than WT's spinning. The front had the classic spinning though. I love how the ride stopped on the back spike though. My only complaint is that it should hold you for longer. All in all, the ride was very fun and worth the wait. Following V2, we waited a half hour for Batman. I think this is clone is better than the SFMM one, but the stations were exactly the same. The ride was great and very forceful in the second row. This is still my favorite invert.

While waiting for Ragin' Cajun, we went back and rode S:UF once more. It was a 15 minute wait, so we couldn't resist. The ride was the same as before. We noticed that Ragin' Cajun opened again, so we waited about a half hour. It wasn't worth it, because we rode Opa, which was a clone. The spinning was much better though. Finally it was time for the final ride, The Whizzer. We waited 15 minutes, and rode in the front two rows. The spiral lift took a while, but it was different. The ride itself was very smooth and it was fun to whiz through the clumps of trees. The helix finale at the ending was really fun. After the Whizzer, we decided to leave. Dinner was at Joe's Crab Shack, where I got nothing else but crab legs. I was sad our trip was over, but I had a great time and many memories that will live on. I can't wait for another trip like it.

Total rides and ratings:

S:UF:2 8/10
Raging Bull:1 7/10
Viper:1 7/10
Demon:1 8/10
American Eagle:1 6/10
Iron Wolf:1 7/10
Vertical Velocity:1 8/10
Batman: the ride:1 9.5/10
Ragin' Cajun:1 5/10
Whizzer:1 8/10

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Coaster Count: 312

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#4 PlanetSaturn56


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:41 PM

I don't get what the 'Cheeseland' title has to do with it.


Having fun at other people's expense

#5 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:48 PM

Picture time!

Cyclops' largest is one of the last, but it is the best
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Opa is Mt. Olympus' indoor spinning coaster, quite fun
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Robocoasters are pretty sweet, the only minus with this is that there wasn't any water under it
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Apollo's swing wasn't worth it, since it was very short, barely over a minute
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Hades blasts over a hill that is right next to the station and nearly misses the path to the station by just a couple feet
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Hades' lift hill pretty much goes through the station, as this pic shows
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In this pic, you can see the three main coasters, Hades, the tallest, Zeus, the one with the turn after the lift, and Cyclops, the smallest
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As you can see, the park enterance/exit path is surrounded by wood
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One of the best pics I took. I got very lucky
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This is the bulk of Hades. In my opinion, this angle makes the ride very intimidating
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Avalanche, one of the world's most insane coasters
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The best bunny hops ever
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Gorgeous airtime throughout the ride
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Raging bull on the first drop
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Vertical Velocity on the back spike
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Batman negotiating one of the mid section turns
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Whizzer in one of it's silky smooth s-turns
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Superman: Ultimate Flight from the parking lot. At least they planted grass under it!
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There you go, the TR is finally complete! Feel free to comment or ask questions, cause I would be glad to answer them.

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Coaster Count: 312

Character - What you do when nobody is watching.
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#6 PlanetSaturn56


    Rockin' your world.

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:54 PM

^See my post above yours...

Great pics, btw.


Having fun at other people's expense

#7 RCT2123


    Most Rides Cancelled :-)

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:56 PM

Glad you had fun over at my park...

I agree with everything you said basically. That sucks about RB, it preforms different on different days. It seemed fine to me. The one thing you should not have done was go from Superman to RB. It is just too far around the park. You did a bit of extra walking. Oh well, it was all good in the end aeh?...


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#8 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 22 June 2007 - 07:57 PM

I don't get what the 'Cheeseland' title has to do with it.


Wisconsin is known for their cheese, which is very good. Thats why fans of the Green Bay Packers are called 'Cheeseheads'...

BTW- here is a video of Avalanche at Timber Falls. Feel free to add me if you want, I won't mind.

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Coaster Count: 312

Character - What you do when nobody is watching.
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