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King's Island - August 14th-15th

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#1 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 14 August 2008 - 11:07 PM

We woke up at six and were ready by seven. We were on the road and got there at about eleven thirty. After getting in, we went straight to Firehawk.


We waited for a half hour when rain rolled in, so we had to stand there for another half hour for the ride to open. We got on and the ride was off. The lift hill is really loud. Everything seems smoother and faster than I remembered it from Geauga Lake. The colors are also really sharp too.

Flight of Fear

As soon as we got off Firehawk, it started raining again so we went to Flight of Fear. Being nice of dry, we got on after a half hour. The ride has a nice launch and some strong forces in the elements. The mid course brakes bring you pretty much to a stop. It's really cool going around the next turn at the slow speed. Even though the ride slows you, the further you go, the faster it gets, and you realize that the stop is needed. The ride is very fun with some sweet turns and transitions, as well as a corkscrew finale.


Racer reminded me of the Mighty Canadian Minebuster. It was a fun ride, but had no airtime at all. We rode both sides just so we could say we rode both. The red side was winning every time by about six feet.

Adventure Express

This ride is actually two parts. The first part is a drop right out of the station with a snaking descent into a ravine. This part isn't all that fast or fun, and it has lots of weird forces, like huge lateral spikes. The second part gets better. You go up the first lift hill and start to dive into the ravine again. The whole second part of the ride is basically in the ravine just twisting around at high speeds and going through tunnels. The end of the ride is an enclosed lift hill back up to the station.


Panda Express. They didn't have large cups, so instead of getting one to share, we had to get two mediums, double the price...


What a ride. This ride seems to spin faster and swing higher than maXair. Walk-ons make everything better.

Son of Beast

I have mixed feelings about this. The beginning and end of the ride is awesome, but the two rose bowls suck arse. They need to burn in hell. There is so much shuffling in both of them, you feel like your heart, stomach, brain, and any other important body organs will be switched around. The pacing is much better with the new trains, but there isn't much airtime on the replacement 'hill'.


This was a sweet ride. It's just a normal boomerang layout, but the inverted cars have seats that face eachother. I enjoyed riding with my friends and seeing their expressions. It reminded me of the missionary position. The ride was fairly smooth though.

Drop Tower

Marcus was right. This is the best freefall I've ever been on. The drop feels like an orgasm(which is bizarre, because the ride is shaped like a penis) and the spinning on the way up is a cool way to see the park. If only the drop was longer or there were more drops...

Flight Deck

This ride is pretty much a clone of Vortex at Canada's Wonderland, which you all should have read about it's awesomeness earlier. The terrain is awesome, especially because the ride is in a corner of the park and nothing else is there. The ride pulls some great g's, and pretty much every turn has you swinging horizontal, just the way suspended coasters should be.

Eiffel Tower

It's an observation tower. Great view, got plenty of pictures. It sits right next to the construction area for Diamondback. That's for later though.

The Crypt

I'm disappointed. I rode this back when it was still Tomb Raider, and since then, the ride has been stripped. The 'lava' is gone, and the icicles are gone too. The only two good things that make the ride still good is the great program and the fact that it was stripped makes it spooky, as it's pretty much in a giant, dark building.

The Beast

I am disappointed in this too. I don't remember the trims being on on this when I came here the first two times. It's ridiculous how the ride is trimmed completely. There could me some awesome forces without them, and actually some airtime. There is also quite a bit of Jackhammering. Nonetheless, it's still a somewhat fun ride.

Vortex was closed and Backlot Stunt Coaster had a long line, so we went back to Fort Kinzel(I butchered that didn't I?) to ride Flight of Fear and Firehawk again.


We ran on this ride because the park would close twenty minutes later. This ride is one of the best Arrow coasters ever. The drop is awesome and there is a bit of airtime in the twister section before the loops. The loops are full of positive g's and the turnaround into the block brakes is intense. The corkscrews have weightlessness at the top and the batwing is a fun element. The ride ends off with a helix of death(z0mg!) and slams into the brakes with a lot of speed. It's definitely worth riding more than once, just ride in an odd numbered row.

It was just before the park closed, so we ran back to The beast, and fought off the chafing...We made it just in time. A few minutes after we entered the line, the queue closed and we got the last ride of the night. Athena and I took the second to last row and PLCP and Athena's friend took the last row. It was dusk and the ride was a little better. The trims were still on and there was a bit of jackhammering, but it was more intense, being in the back.

Diamondback Construction

Not much is going on. There is a crane, and various supports and track pieces around the work site. The brake shed is pretty much complete, but nothing else is being worked on. They started raising the turnaround supports later today. There's some track pieces lying behind Firehawk and some yellow supports lying somewhere else I forgot about. Hopefully they'll be working tomorrow so we can get pictures of actual progress.

We walked out of the park happy, tired, and hungry. We went to Big Boy for dinner and then went swimming. It was a fun day. We'll be back tomorrow for more fun and craziness at the Island.

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Coaster Count: 312

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#2 BWL



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 11:26 PM

Sounds like fun. Take pics of the construction for us :D

Because I does what NintenDON'T

Got a wii? PM me and we can swap codes! I only got 3 online games. GH3, GH:A, and SSBB

#3 KingsIslandFreak


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 09:08 AM

So you liked Kings Island Rollerdude???I cant wait for Diamondback!!!

^^Thanks Immelmann!^^


#4 rollercoasterfreak


    SSC what?

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 02:08 PM


I could literally walk to Kings Island if I wanted to and it would take maby 20 minutes. It's my home park that I keep dear to my heart. Good to hear you had a great time.

Oh and if you see it, give Avatar a run. It actually isn't that bad.

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**^^ Jesperdude^^**



#5 KingsIslandFreak


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 02:15 PM

^My home park too, pretty obvious though.Havent been lately though.

^^Thanks Immelmann!^^


#6 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 15 August 2008 - 11:41 PM

Day two...

We woke up at 8:30 and were there a little after 10:00. We decided not to go to Firehawk first due to everybody going there first.

Backlot Stunt Coaster

This is a really fun little ride. It's better than the one at CW. The theming is a little better and over what were considered hills contained some fairly good airtime. Not bad.


Front row. What a bitchin' ride.

Rugrat's Runaway Reptar

Once again, it was better than Silver Streak at CW. I didn't hit my head on the restraints like I did on SS. Still a boring ride.


The first ride reminded me of the missionary position, this ride today got me realizing that the handles on the restraints look like penises. It's still a fun ride.

Skyline Chili

Oh. My. God!!! I love this place! The spaghetti tastes like Chef Boyardee with Cheese on it and the menu is full of innuendos. Too bad these aren't in Michigan...

Son of Beast

This wasn't as bad this time. The second rose bowl didn't have any jackhammering this time, but the first one was still where all hell broke loose.


We rode both sides again. There was actually some fairly good airtime over some of the hills.


Once again, it's an awesome ride. It's fast and smooth, and has some unique forces. We got an on-ride photo that I'll probably scan and post later on. It's the best ride in the park, but I noticed that it has the EXACT same color scheme as Diamondback.

Flight of Fear

This was our last ride of the day. It was delicious, with a capital D. It's probably the second best ride, along with Vortex and Flight Deck.

It was 5:15 and we left because we had a five hour drive home. On the way, we got Sonic, which was delicious, with a capital D. Other than that, we pretty much slept, so we could stay up to type this...what losers we are.

King's Island is a really nice park. It has a nice selection of rides, especially some awesome flat rides. With Diamondback, the park will be even better. I'll be sure to return next year.

I'll post pictures tomorrow sometime, if I get them uploaded.

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Coaster Count: 312

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#7 coastercrazy10


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 06:31 AM

Man, i haven't been to KI since fright/fear fest last year. I'm completely lost as to the directions you were headed :D. I wouldn't have been a good guide if i tried, but it sounds like you had a good time. I'll be sure to go back when diamondback is completed.

Now off to work for me! Huzzah!


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Fireball | Kingda Ka | Inclination | Diamondback

#8 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 16 August 2008 - 08:54 PM

Hah, that kind of sucks that you can't even get to your own home park anymore. Hopefully you'll be able to get there again sooner or later.

I'm going to let you and PKI know about next year's CF Live. Most likely, it will be CP and KI and that would be really neat to meet you guys.

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Coaster Count: 312

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#9 coastercrazy10


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 09:28 PM

Meh, i visited the park so many times i just got tired of riding most of the rides. The only ones i really care about anymore are Beast, FoF, and Vortex(racer very rarely). But i'll surely be going back to ride diamondback. And yeah, if we do CF Live(although i'm not familiar with it), i'd be down with some type of roadtrip or something. And i'd finally get to ride maverick.


SSCoasters Staff | The SSCoasters Forum Rules
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | Computer Science & Mathematics
Posted Image
Fireball | Kingda Ka | Inclination | Diamondback

#10 Antinos


    Is it smooth and long?

  • 8086 posts

Posted 16 August 2008 - 10:22 PM

ITZ TYM3 F3R P1CZ0RZ!!!!!!111one!!!11111!!!1!eleven!111

Welcome to King's Island!
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How cute
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z0mg helix of death!
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z0mg another helix of death!
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It's actually good
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This part was good, but not for long
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It's freaking huge though
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Ooooooh! pretty!
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Tucked in a corner of the park
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This is where you go fast
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Getting up close and personal
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For those that don't know what ride this is
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It's like maXair...maybe it is!
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Naw, maybe not...
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like half the park...no joke
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Delicious...with a capital D
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Kinky...with a capital K
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Aww, Patrick found himself!
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Can't they just say fat?
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Best. Menu. Ever!
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Racer and Firehawk
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Hot damn!
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It's a symbolic picture...notice the tree!
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So bland, this photo is
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One more
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Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! DIAMONDBACK CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS!!!1

See, same color!
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Brake Shed
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You've never seen this before...
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deep into the woods...
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and the signature angle...
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That's it! Enjoy guys!

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Coaster Count: 312

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#11 DDRman732865


    Going Back for Master's for some reason

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Posted 16 August 2008 - 10:57 PM

Can't they just say fat?

Then Weasel would have a cow.

I really want to get out to King's Island. I was going to go with the band, but I had to stay home because the bitch director scheduled a play I was in on the same weekend, and I couldn't go. I was so freaking pissed!

I wish I rode Firehawk when it was still X-Flight, the way you described it.