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TTD accident

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#81 gforce


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Posted 18 July 2004 - 08:36 PM

^your so gulliable

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#82 pheonix


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Posted 18 July 2004 - 11:08 PM

The ride Ops I see all seem to be working as hard as

they can. When I ride it, the thing I notice that takes forever is people are checked

and rechecked and rechecked and checked again. its all for safety, but thats why it

takes so long.

#83 Guest_Twister II_*

Guest_Twister II_*

Posted 19 July 2004 - 05:47 AM

and also the stupid people put there restraint down and

dont even bother to buckle there seat belt, so they relese the restraints buckle there

seat belt, then have to check the restraints all over agian. I saw this on about ever

train happen at least once

#84 Dakanektr


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Posted 09 August 2004 - 07:40 PM

yeah i know its like

every time i go on steel force some ###### is likeoh we have safety belts and that 32

passenger train has to be check all over again by four ride ops. how retarded can

someone who is able to ride be? you cant have special ed people on rides so u either

have morons or just goths who want to die on it. and those are exactly the people that

wind up flying off the track on wildmouses when they try to stretch out.

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#85 gforce


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Posted 09 August 2004 - 09:45 PM

^This is a dead topic, don't bring em back!


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#86 coasteragent99


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Posted 10 August 2004 - 11:26 AM


cant have special ed people on rides so u either have morons or just goths who want to

die on it


Anyways, maybe the ride op shouldn't take time to check those who don't

buckle, lol.

#87 sfmm_freak


    Definitely Jeffree Star

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 05:13 PM

Off topic, but this subject angers me,


your prejudicative "facts" correct. I did a paper on this once... here is a



Anyone who had the audacity to

collectively refer to every single person who enjoys some aspect of the goth scene as

a loser or a suicidal maniac therefore (according to their logic) must be a complete

waste of organic matter and the prime reason for a little chlorine in the gene pool.

Goths have been around from the 3rd century forward in one form or another,

anyone who had knowledge enough of basic history would realise that the black

clothing, the symbolism in the music and the fascination with death was a byronic

statement of pure expression. It is even more than that it is a genuine interest in what

most people fear, it is an insight into what other people often won't acknow;edge

or even mention occasionally, is it so wrong to talk about death when every single

person on the planet is at this moment headed towards death. I'd go as far as to

say it was a philosophy almost.

Most people can live in denial of the odd

death, their mother taking heroin, their father having an affair, sometimes they ven

dabb;e in it themselves, but choose to wear black and divulge in some

'alternitive' music and you're a complete reject, a screw up.

This entire outlook on life is wrong. Its not the goths who seem to have the

problem its the people who find it necessary to try and hurt them, to make their life as

difficult as possible.

Emo Kid:

There cannot be just one

definition of the so-called emo kid. There are always different types of emo kids,

there’s the young and confused, the wrongfully decided, the miserable and unhappy,

and the straight edge emo kids.

Young and Confused – these tend to be

kids you see in grades 6-10, they mainly listen to pop-punk or pop-emo music. They

really have no idea what emo is except that they saw dashboard confessional on MTV

and said I want to be like “Chris.” So they go out by all tight fitting close usually try to

dress in black grow longer hair and tend to develop an eye sight problem leading them

to wear glasses even if they do not need them. You will always find these kids in hot

topic buying up all the pop shirts and studded belts and any thing they think will make

them look sad because all they are trying to do is be different from everyone else

when; however, they just become a “poser” of older emo kids that understand what

real emo music is. These kids usually tend to go more towards the XXX ways or start

smoking the “marijuana.”

Wrongfully Decided – these are the kids that no

one really knew who they were before they start there emo phase. They tend to hang

out with a couple emo kids and want to be like them because emo kids act like they

have life all figured out and no matter what you do your life will be depressing. So of

course these kids will slap on the punk belt or a new popular belt “the brown leather

belt” tight close, zip up hoody, grow their hair out and always act depress and go off

on every little thing on how it really is wrong because it is known as “popular” to

common folk. These kids just are followers and will become what ever they people

who brought them into the world of emo are.

Miserable and Unhappy –

these are the kids that have never been happy in their whole lives. They always tend

to be arseholes because they are so narrow-minded and stick to their opinions and

cannot agree with any one else’s opinions. These kids always dress in black, usually

tight clothing, hats, and are always just looking downward. These kids are usually into

the more depressing drugs such as coke, and heroin.

Straight Edge –

These are the kids most people tend to hate. They think drugs are evil and anyone that

does them should get their ###### kicked. Most people hate these people. They tend

to draw X’s on their hands so everyone knows that they are straight edge. They

usually wear the army hats, carry a backpack on there back and hold it with two

hands in the front straps. They were any things that look preppy to emo. And they also

think they can “kick the shyte out of any one.” However, they usually cant because

they always have a crew with them you get one or two of these people alone and you

can have a field day. They can never fight alone they always wait for their friends and

like to jump other emo kids that tend to do drugs.

I know plenty emo

kids and goths

Edit: For those who dont know what being straight

edge is here is a brief summary:

Originated from the punkrock/hardcore

scene. The philosophy/life-choice that humans should have strength, pride, dignity,

honor, and self respect; that they shouldn't engage in activities that are a

disgrace to their minds and bodies. (such as ingesting and/or becoming addicted to

harmful substances for fun, lying and/or being two-faced, and sharing your body

sexually with another person when there isn't even a true emotional bond


Returning to topic: does anyone know if TTD has been

reopened, i didnt recall it being said anywhere in the topic.

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Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Rebuilt. Rehashed. Refined.
Echelon|Redux. coming soon.

#88 jumpboy


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Posted 10 August 2004 - 05:38 PM

It reopened like the next weekend.

University of Maryland 2011