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Avenged Sevenfold(A7X)

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#21 Coasteradict


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Posted 28 August 2008 - 04:24 PM


I don't like dani filths screams :iyes

MEH? why do you like avenged 7 fold? They suck, and thier leed singer (M.shadows) is an IDIOT! I mean WTF is he screaming for when he doesn't even know How to scream, he forced it so much, no wonder he messed up his vocal cords.

Thanks Immelmann

#22 coastermaniac


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Posted 28 August 2008 - 05:00 PM

^Ok, you might not like a music style or a band but it's not a reason to bash it.

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#23 fantom



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 09:09 PM

Why did you even post? This thread was dead, and all you did was say the band sucked.

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#24 Coasteradict


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 06:34 AM

^Ok, you might not like a music style or a band but it's not a reason to bash it.

WTF? they're Hard rock, heavy metal, metalcore I love those genres, I wasn't bashing I was venting.

^I just thought I would have my say, and its only 2 weeks since moosy had his post. >.< & They don't (yes I am contradicting myself -.-) "suck" i was realy (even though my post doesn't say this) meaning M.shadows sucks.

Thanks Immelmann

#25 Garth


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 03:25 PM



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#26 Ace o Spades

Ace o Spades

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:24 PM

I know that sweep picking is using a pick...sweep PICKING....dope! I meant that hes picking on one string and taping a few frets at the same time and then moving on later. Sweep picking is when you pretty much sweep the pick up and down the guitar strings and move your fingers up and down the guitar.

Please shut up, before you make a fool of yourself. his guitar solos in general are nothing special as far as difficulty goes. Look at someone like Zakk Wylde or James Hetfield (even though he plays rhythm guitar) who pick every single note they play. Not to mention legendary guitarists such as Dimebag Darrell, Randy Rhoads and Micheal Angelo Batio. I would even say that some Youtube stars out there are BETTER guitarists than that fool.

#27 coastercrazy10


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 11:18 PM

You forgot John Petrucci.

And Synester isn't BAD. He's got some decent stuff (see: afterlife solo). However, for the most part there are many more guitarists who are MUCH better than him. And even some bassists(see: John Myung, also bassists for Protest the Hero and Human Abstract).

He's good, just not great. Or legendary. And certainly not top 3.

And FYI, picking a string once and hammering on frets is technically called legato. At least that's what i think you were referring to.


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#28 fantom



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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:05 AM

Some people refer to it as Economy picking(alternate picking or hammering/pulling off on the same string, but sweep picking to other strings), but Gates doesn't even use this mostly, he just uses straight sweeping for the most part.

He's good, just not great. Or legendary. And certainly not top 3.

Xbox GT: xxwarlordxx11
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