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Girls, Girls, Girls . . . Dating is Complicated.

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#1001 CartRacer56


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Posted 11 July 2015 - 09:11 PM

O.k. So, There is this girl at the pool I go to almost every day. I have talked to her and all that jazz. Here is the thing. Whenever she isn't swimming, she is texting. And I dont know who else a girl would text more then their boyfriend. So, should I still ask her for her number to "get to know her some more" or wait till she isnt texting him as much?

EDIt: Detasseling starts this week. More of the stupid rose crap where they make you give a duct tape rose to a girl they say to give it to... shit...

Edited by Cartracer55D, 11 July 2015 - 09:14 PM.

#1002 Jogumpie


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 10:40 AM

And I dont know who else a girl would text more then their boyfriend.

Here's a thought: other (female) friends of hers.

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#1003 Britfag


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 12:10 PM

Here's a thought: other (female) friends of hers.

Or other friends, perhaps she talks to her boyfriend in a different way, skype, phone calls?

#1004 Guest_321_*


Posted 15 October 2015 - 05:29 PM

hey guys havent been on here in awhile and i just felt like updating you guys on my girl struggles. So at the start of the school year there was girl who i was friends with. I had always had a crush on her every since she was in my chemistry class the previous school year but never acted on it as i felt she didn't feel the way i did. I thought that after 2 months (summer break) maybe there was a chance for me. *Pause* if i had to rate our friendship at the time id say it was 4 or 5 out of ten. We always said hi and bye to eachother and would occasionally have a good convo. Also keep in mind too that I was NOT just interested in her. Dont want to make it sound like i threw in all my marbles on one girl who may or may not like me.*Unpause* And up until the start of the year I was doing good, but then for some reason (maybe because i got my license and had been lifting and drawing all summer made me think I could woe any girl) I really started crushing hard. Lucky for me her locker was right next to mine and we had lunch together so i tried to initiate more conversations with her. The troubling thing for me though was that through more convo with her I could pick up signs that we may just be friends. I kept on pursuing though because I thought in the end something would happen. Homecoming was coming up and I had told all of my friends and her friends that I was planning to ask her to homecoming. I tried to make the proposal a tad bit flirtatious and I am not sure if picked up on it or not but she said it was really sweet. I thought that i was in the drivers seat now. I had it all planned out. I asked her to go shopping with me to help me find my homecoming stuff and she agreed and we went. Nothing happened but i continued to hope homecoming would be the night that she would begin liking me. Homecoming was a disaster, at least date wise. The whole week leading up to the dance had been stressful and i began to draw back with the whole pursuit thing. Good thing I did because at the dance we NEVER danced. The first time I asked her to dance she gave the excuse that her hands were too sweaty and she didnt want to get it on me. Sure she was sweating and I didnt mind and I told her that but it never happened. So I was upset I admit but my friends reaaaaallllllyyyy helped cheer me up. I was on top of the world dancing for about an hour and went to go find her. *Pause* I only saw her like 5 times at the dance. Some people who were simply and blatantly more than friends were dancing with eachother so my friends, who I was venting to, and I thought it was rude that she would make up an excuse like that to not dance with me. And my dumb self bought her tickets to the dance lol. $40 down the drain.*Unpause* So I go in the crowd and I see her dancing with one of her girl friends (no shes not lesbian) and theyre holding hands dancing to this salsa song. I tell her that Im about to leave and I couldnt tell what was happening but i thought i saw her friend motion over to me to come dance with my date. So i go over, put my hand out once more, and then shes like when are you leaving. I respond saying in like 10 minutes (I was her ride) and then she walks over to her other group of friends and tells them shes leaving in 10 minutes. Confusion ensues and then she starts dancing with her girls again and I walk away confused and embarrassed. So anyways we go to the after party which was hanging out at a friend of ours house and as was the theme of the night I got the feeling that she wasn't even acknowledging my presence.*Pause* On the ride to the after party I said it was a bummer that we couldnt dance and she responded saying yea it was. No apology or anything. And also she kept trying to make short talk like nothing happened.*Unpause* She didnt ever talk to me in public. The only time we really talked was in the car and that was it. So i dropped her off at home and that was that. I was done with her. I thought maybe we could still be friends and talk and stuff but recently she hasnt even said hi or looked my way. I know that I am at most blame here for my hurt heart. I had put too much hope into a girl that obviously wasnt into me. I have since moved on and it feels really great. I dont feel pressure to win a girl and I never want to. At this point its not worth it. This has also helped open my eyes to many other great girls who'd give the time of day.  Theres's this one girl in particular who ended up transfering schools that up until now I hadnt really noticed. That was dumb because as the old saying goes you dont realize how great something is until you dont have it. And I never really had her but we would talk occasionally and i feel like it couldve became something more because shes pretty sweet. She recently followed me on social media after i had forgotten about her for months but i regret not talking to her more and I never know if ill have the chance to. :/

#1005 iAClipse


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 06:15 AM

Want to start off by saying that I am very sorry if this is considered a bump. I just kinda have some stuff I need to say and some questions and found this thread and I felt like my topic would fit here and didn't want to start a new thread.

I should probably start this off by stating that I am 18 years old a senior in high school and have NEVER even been on a date with a girl...(I know is it very strange)
Anyways so I have this really really long story about a girl who I fell in love with (yes I know I was in love with her and didn't just like her). So I first met his last year in my Spanish class (she was a sophomore I was a junior). Anyways she never really noticed me. I always thought she was cute and had a little crush on her but nothing too big. Then over the summer... I went into a very bad place... mentally. I was quite depressed everyday. Never really had the motivation to do anything or go anywhere. Then marching band (my favorite thing in he entire world) started up again so whenever I was at that I was very happy and excited but when I had to leave and got home I went right back into being depressed. It got to the point where I had made a decision... Once marching band season was over... I was going to end my life.

Until one time at a marching band competition when we were getting in line for awards this girl behind me started talking to me... it was the same girl from my Spanish class. Well we started talking and stuff and it made me really happy (very rarely do girls ever even speak to me). And we got to know each other more that day. Then after the marching band competition when we got back to the school to unload all the equipment I asked her for her snapchat. Which she gave to me.

We didn't really talk much over snapchat or send pics really ever (her friends told me how she was a horrible snap chatter cause she would open a pic you sent her and not send one back). But we did still talk in person at every single band practice and competition. It was getting to know her and her actually talking to me that honestly made me make the decision to not take my own life. Even though my depression was not totally gone (and still isn't but it is very severely subdued).

Then I think she could sort of get a sense that I was really starting to like her and hangs for sort of awkward between us and we stopped talking for about a week (btw whenever we did talk I was super shy and very nervous it was difficult to just get words out of my mouth).

But I still wanted to talk to her more and get to know her more and stuff. So I sent her a message over snapchat (no I still didn't have her number at this point) saying "Hey *name removed* , I really like you but I get very nervous talking to you because you are so beautiful. I was wondering if we could talk more and I could get to know you better." She responded with "sure, what do you want to talk about?" We then proceeded to talk about our favorite music artists and favorite songs and such.

So after that we started talking a lot more usually every other day over snapchat and every time we had band rehearsal in person. So we talk more and more often and such and eventually I get around asking her for her number.

So we start texting everyday and I start sitting with her at lunch and we talk then.

So then the Friday after Halloween I went to a band haloween party. Only a few people from band were invited maybe 30 out of the 200 people in the marching band. She was unfortunately not one of them. The party was pretty horrible and I wanted to leave 30 minutes after I got there. She was snapchating me through the entire time I was there and she kept saying how she was sorry the party sucked so much. And after the party we snapchated for about an hour until like 12:30 and then she had to go to sleep. The next day we snapped like two or three times through the day. And that night we FaceTimed for about 2 and a half hours. It was great we laughed a lot showed each other some stuff in our rooms it was great. The on Sunday we also snapped a little through the day and that night we FaceTimed for about 3 or so hours... We then had school on Monday. Because of the events that transpired over the weekend I thought that on Monday would be the day to ask her out on a date. Because we didn't have school the next day Tuesday and from what I gathered she seemed really into me.( I even asked her friend if she thought I should ask her out and her friend said that she was about 80% sure that she would say yes if I did. This was a week before the day I decided to ask her out.) So anyways I was planning to ask her out after school because I usually walk with her after school to her car but today she had already left by the time I got the band room. So instead I decided to FaceTime her... and after bein. Very awkward and super nervous I asked her if she wanted to go the next day to our local mall center town like thing and get some food maybe see a movie and just walk around and talk. She said yes! So after she said yes we continued to FaceTime for about 2 hours until we had to go to dinner. After dinner we continued to FaceTime for about 3 hours or so just talking and stuff. We hadn't set a specific time yet for when we were going out because the next day her parents were having an open house cause hey are trying to sell it and she needed to be there to help with that but didn't know how long it would take. She said it started at 3:30 but didn't know when it would end and said at about 4:00 she would know what time.

So that night I go to bed super happy and also super nervous. I didn't have anything to do all day except wait for her to let me know a time. So when I woke up I cleaned my car made it look very nice and then spent the rest of the time until 4pm being super nervous and trying to calm myself down by watching tv.

So 4:00 comes around and I text her asking if she knew a time yet and she responded with, "Hey Aaron, I am really sorry but I am sick, I was hoping that I would feel better by now but I don't could we reschedule?" Of course I said " Hope you feel better and yes that is fine" I have not had a good run in in the past with girls saying yes and the changing their minds. So that night I almost had a nervous breakdown and panic attack so to stop myself I called my friend and he helped talk me through it saying how I was overthinking it and had no reason to believe that she would not want to go out with me.

The next day I snapped her through the school day (we normally snap like 4-6 times through the day) I snapped her 4 time and she opened them all but didn't respond. Then after school instead of walking with me she completely ignored me and walked pat me very quickly... this got me to be super nervous so after school I texted her saying "Hey so when do you think we could reschedule for?" And she responded with "Okay Aaron, I feel really bad but I don't like you the way you like me. I tried really hard to like you because you're so sweet but it just didn't work. I still want to be friends with you and I hope you can still be friends with Asher. I can't be responsible for your happiness. Or depression for that matter. I just really hope we can still be friends and I'm sorry I led you on for so long. If you don't want to talk to me anymore I understand but please stay friends with Asher that's the one thing I ask." (Asher is her brother and he has a mental disability and doesn't have very many friends but me and him had become really close.) So anyways that happened.

We tried to be friends afterwards but every time I saw her it took everything I had not have a mental breakdown in front of her and just everything was kind of terrible for a while. I didn't kinda slip back into a bad depression but was able to recover from it thanks to some friends. Well anyways that is my story of my worst possible run in with a girl...

I do want to ask. Is there anything that I did wrong? Or could have done better? Please I want to learn as much as possible from this experience.

Also is it bad that as an 18 year old senior in high school I have never been on a date or even been kissed by someone?



~Thanks Steel~

#1006 Rollerfreak987


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 08:18 AM

I'm just going to post this and say that you're not alone.

It's not weird that you haven't had your first kiss yet, I didn't have mine until March of my senior year. Prior to March I had never had a girlfriend, or had even considered dating anyone.

And I don't think you did anything wrong... she said you were very sweet, so it isn't like you mistreated her or anything. I think you did everything correctly, and that she should've given you a try.

I'll tell a summarized version of how my girlfriend and I got together for a little reference.

It was August 15th 2015 and my robotics team was hosting an event at the high school to try and recruit some freshman for the team. I walked into the front gate and there she was. (She was a senior as well, she had just moved down from Ohio and wanted to continue robotics.) I was immediately in love. We talked a bit that day and over the next few months and in December I told her I liked her. Her response essentially was "that's really sweet but I'm not interested in a relationship right now". Well, alright. We were still really good friends.

January or so comes around and me and her are at a party. We're sitting together on the couch and she's like leaning on me and borderline cuddling. The next day I decide that we should do something again because I wanted to ask her out on a date (again) so the same group of people from the party before decided to go to the bowling alley. This was one of the worst nights of my life, for reasons I don't feel like sharing.

So we had gotten into an like an extended argument between then and late February, when things started to get better. We'd been seeing each other at robotics almost every day and every time I was in the same room as her I would cramp up and feel like I was about to vomit.

Come March 12th, 2016 were at the robotics tournament in Orlando, and next thing I know this girl is holding my hand! I didn't know what to do and I was having a heart attack, but reciprocated. We rode the bus home from the competition and she fell asleep in my lap.

I guess she had changed her mind about me, and that she wanted to give it a try. Well, 292 days later we're still very happy together and even planning on moving in together in the summer.

What I'm trying to say is: just be friends with her and talk to her, maybe she'll change her mind and see how much of a gentleman you are.

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#1007 iAClipse


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 07:23 PM

Well i wish i could just be friends with her but sadly i think that ship has sailed. After i told her that i wanted to still be friends in the future but couldn't right now ( because it was just way to difficult for me) she let me have some distance and left me alone. I still talked to her brother all the time after school so that was awkward every time sh came over to tell him it was time for them to leave. And right about when i finally had gotten over her (or so i thought) was thinking about possibly becoming friends with her again (if she wanted to) s*** sort of went down between me and her best friend. ( her best friend is a guy)(he is gay so i never felt threatened by him and we actually had become really close friends). It got to the point where she texted me (after having not talked for about 2 months) threatening me if i ever hurt one of her friends like that again. I got it worked out between me and her but not enough to go back to being friends but with her best friend on the other hand... He sort of cut me out of his life and ended his friendship with me. I can give you all the details if you wish i just didn't want to make another super long post. So now she is awkward with me and one of my closest friends (her best friend) dropped me out of his saying he wanted nothing to do with me anymore and that he couldn't forgive me.


okay also after the whole thing where she told me that she didn't feel the same way about me. We texted for about an hour. Mainly just me asking questions trying to get closure and she kept saying how none of it was my fault how it had to do with the way i acted or looked, and that i was very sweet. My question is.. Why the hell would she not even give me a chance when she thought i was sweet and that there was nothing wrong with me?????


I mean I'm basically over this whole thing because of all the good stuff that has happened in my life since but i can't help but think that it shouldn't have ended like this...


I mean if a girl facetimes you for multiple hours on end would you not also consider that a sign that she is into you? and like very much so...



~Thanks Steel~